What to shoot, how to shoot?
There are many ways in which to get involved in shooting for both sport or animal/pest control. If you are interested in finding out more about the different sort of shooting that you could try we have given a brief overview below. For any further information please do contact us and we can help you find what’s best for you and help you get started.
Woodpigeon Shooting
The woodpigeon (Columba palumbus) is Britain’s major agricultural bird pest; it provides excellent shooting and is important to many sportsmen and farmers. It is legal to shoot the bird all the year round. The woodpigeon makes good eating and provides nourishing cheap food.
Game Shooting
This form of shooting is much more formal than simply walking with your dog alongside the hedgerows, and is usually confined to pheasant, partridge and grouse shooting.
Airgun Shooting
Airgun shooting is one of the most popular shooting sports in the UK. Both professional and amateur pest controllers commonly use airguns, mainly due to their quiet operation and the low cost of ammunition.
Clay Shooting
Clay pigeon shooting can be a particularly attractive for those who live in towns or are limited in the amount of time that they can give to their sport. It can also be relatively inexpensive, compared with paying for a day’s live quarry shooting.